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A central part of
our local community

The Steelbacks Foundation’s vision is clear;

Become an outstanding charity that embeds Northamptonshire Cricket in the fabric of the community.

A registered charity working to support the ongoing work of Steelbacks in the Community, the Steelbacks Foundation ensures that cricket reaches all communities, enhances lives and enables those with talent to fulfil their potential.


No matter your age, race, gender, religion or sexual orientation, we welcome all and encourage everyone to be involved in cricket.


Extending the reach of cricket to people and communities that do not currently access the game or connect with Northamptonshire Cricket

Life Chances

Using cricket as a vehicle to enhance life chances for people in Northamptonshire.

Get involved

Support the Steelbacks Foundation

The Steelbacks Cricket Foundation rely on your generous donations to make our work a reality.

There are lots of exciting ways you can donate/fundraise for us, from taking part in a sponsored run, listing us as your charity of the year to organising your own event!

Whatever you do, we would like to say a big thank you. The work of the Foundation would not be possible without your support.

Donate money/equipment or your time….

Donate Money

Make a One Off Donation

We have a Just Giving page available if you want to help us out financially.

Any donation, big or small, will go a long way to helping us in our work across Northamptonshire.


Regular Donations

If you would like to become a regular contributor and support the work of the Foundation, set up a standing order for an amount of your choice. Contact the Foundation on the details provided below.

Leave a Legacy

The one way to ensure that your money makes a difference to cricket and community work in Northamptonshire even after you’ve gone.

Don’t forget to GIFT AID it!

If you are a UK tax payer we can reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 you donate to us. In addition the government will donate 3p on every £1 you donate. If you would like Steelbacks Foundation to benefit from this opportunity simply tick the Gift Aid box on any donation you make.

Donate Equipment

Kit Reuse scheme, Steelbacks Foundation are operating a kit recycling scheme to reduce cricket kit going to landfill and promote cricket as a game for everyone by allowing kit to be accessed by those who may find cost a barrier to participation.

The aim is to receive good condition cricket kit from garages and storage spaces that have been cluttered with previously loved kit and equipment and enable others to re-use it.

We are also accepting Gray Nicholls Northamptonshire County Cricket Club Pathway clothing that is in good condition which can be passed on to individuals in the pathway that might not be able to afford the clothing.

Donate Time

Volunteer for us

If you’re interested in donating your time to helping us make a change in Northamptonshire then please get in touch to find out what our current volunteering opportunities are.

Patricia Hankins
Community and Partnerships Manager
07920 581422

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